In It Together

Miraculous, magical witchcraft* for visionary solo business owners and community builders, that’ll make you more productive than you ever thought possible!

*don’t worry - this is not actual sorcery!

Your business has been evolving and expanding for years and you’re proud of the success you’ve had so far.  But you’re not resting on your laurels!

There’s so much more you’d love to achieve. A bigger impact you want to make. New ideas you’d love to explore.

Your beautiful big vision is dancing in technicolour in front of you, and you’re excited and inspired to make that your reality.

Only it’s not always that easy, is it?

When your projects and ideas begin to snowball and everything feels intertwined — excitement can easily morph into overwhelm.

And when you have no idea where to start – or you have twenty-three things that all need doing at once -  you risk either tying yourself in knots, or wasting a whole afternoon spinning in your chair.

The result? Getting your brilliant projects and ideas over the finish line is painful, and takes much longer than you’d hoped.

So, what can you do about it?

Sure, you have a VA and they’re great, but you’re still the boss and it’s on you to tell them what to do.

And yes, a coach might help, but will they jump into the nitty gritty, day-to-day detail with you and help you actually get stuff done? Probably not.

Thankfully you have another option.


My name’s Louise Miller, and I’m weird. 

You see, I’m a rare beast who combines logical, organised, detailed thinking with warmth, empathy and compassion. 

And after I’ve told you how I help my clients, you might well think:

‘Is that it?’ 

But don’t be fooled! 

There’s power in the simplicity of what I do. And it works.

The words ‘magic’, ‘miraculous’ and ‘witchcraft’ have all been used by clients who can’t quite put their finger on why what I do is so effective.

They just know that it is.

I’ve been supporting ambitious solo business owners who have big ideas since 2016, and noticed early on that whether they wanted to launch season three of their podcast, run a retreat, write a book, or create a new programme, even with VA support they struggled to turn those ideas into reality. 

Not because they didn’t have what it takes, but because they found it hard to figure out how all the pieces fit together, and what to do first. 

Let’s face it, it’s ruddy hard to do on your own!

And when you’re also dealing with the small matter of serving clients, prepping for speaking gigs, keeping up with your marketing activities, managing your team and staying on top of your admin?

It’s not surprising that your head starts to spin and getting something new off the ground feels so hard. 

But the thing you struggle with comes naturally to me (I told you I’m weird).

I love creating order from chaos, and have no trouble getting things finished (which means I can help YOU get things finished too). That’s MY zone of genius, and when my logical, organised thinking partners with your creativity and passion, magic happens!

That’s why I created In It Together: to help ambitious business owners like you fulfil your fabulous potential and make a bigger impact.

When I first discovered Louise and what she did, if I'm honest, I didn't get it.

I wondered how much difference having someone to help you be organised, stay on top of your work and focus could honestly make when you're the one who has to actually do the work.

However, I can honestly say that working with Louise has been life changing and business changing.

I am amazed at how focused I am and at how much work I get done, while not feeling totally overwhelmed 24/7.

I have achieved some phenomenally massive things in the time Louise and I have been working together. And I know that had I not been working with Louise, there’s no way I’d have got half that stuff done to the level it got done.

She has this amazing ability to push you along without feeling like you're overwhelmed, and being very calm in the process.

Having her support, accountability and insider knowledge of the work I need to do is invaluable.

If you're thinking about working with Louise I want to say don't, because I don't want her to get too busy so she can't work with me!

But seriously, Louise is amazing, and everyone needs a Louise in their life.

Teresa Heath-Wareing, Online Business Owner, International Award Winning Speaker, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author.

So what the dickens IS In It Together?

In It Together is a partnership that has YOU and your business at its heart.

Together we look at your vision and goals and everything else that’s on your plate, and turn that into an achievable roadmap so you can make a bigger impact without burning out.

Here’s how we’ll work together to get you taking the right action at the right time, and fulfilling your fabulous potential:

Step 1: Your goal-getting gameplan

First we’ll co-create a vision and goals document that excites and motivates you and will serve as an anchor throughout our work together.

You’ll be buzzing with a sense of what’s possible when you keep coming back to the big picture in all its technicolor fabulousness!

Step 2: Monthly calls 

Every month we’ll celebrate your wins, check in with your capacity, decide what’s most important and identify action steps to move you forward.

By the end of our 90-minutes together you’ll be ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in!

Step 3: Monthly action plans

After each call I’ll create a simple, flexible action plan to help you stay on track.

There’s no over-complicated, over-rigid planning on my watch! The simplicity of your plan will help you move forward with focus and flow.

Step 4: Tangible action

Using the plan as your guide, you take action towards your goals, putting lots of lovely ticks in boxes as you go.

No more spinning your chair! Your sense of achievement will sky-rocket as you see the progress you’re making.

Step 5: Cheerleading and support

I’ll help you stay on track throughout the month via two check-in calls and Voxer or email support. If you lose your mojo or life throws you a curveball, I’ll help you find a way through.

Whether it’s celebrating your wins, or helping you get unstuck, I’ve got your back and I’m right there with you!

“I’m someone who has a lot of ideas and big visions, but I get completely overwhelmed when thinking about how to put that into action. It seems so big that I don’t know where to begin.

Louise helps me to look at the idea and then reverse engineer what needs to happen to make it a reality. She helps me break things down into actionable steps, allowing enough time and space for it to be doable, without stress and overwhelm.

My live event, Living Abundance Live in London, would not have happened without Louise’s support. It just felt too big.

Allowing myself to be supported in this journey has been a huge turning point. I used to feel a bit stupid that I needed help doing something so simple.

The truth of the matter is that without her, I wouldn’t have put into action what I know I need to do to grow my business.”

Lara Waldman, Abundance Coach, podcast host, author of Money Manifestation Mastery, and founder of Leaders of London.

Let’s be honest: Being the leader of your business can be lonely at times, can’t it?

It’s on you to make all the decisions. To show up for your clients and your team with a smile on your face, no matter what’s going on behind the scenes. To keep yourself motivated, focused and productive.

Now imagine how it would feel to have someone else take the lead from time to time.

Not to make decisions for you or tell you what to do, but someone in your corner who cares about the success of your business just as much as you do. 

When we work together I’ll help you to:

  • Look at all the big projects you’re working on and figure out which tasks need to happen when, so you can focus calmly on what’s in front of you, safe in the knowledge that everything else will get done when the time is right.

  • Stay focused on what’s important, helping you use your team wisely so that nobody gets in a last minute pickle. The result? You’re able to achieve way more than you ever thought possible, without all the drama.

  • Consider what’s going on outside of work too, ensuring your progress doesn’t come at the expense of your wellbeing. I’ll remind you to breathe and encourage you to take moments of pause that will keep you energised and motivated to keep going. No eternally exhausted entrepreneurs on my watch! 

Imagine how it would feel to have the support of someone who understands you, your business and your diary.

Someone who’s not afraid to challenge you. 

Someone who will:

  • encourage you if you’re having a bad day,

  • remind you of your priorities if you lose your focus, 

  • help you recalibrate if things go a little wonky,

  • and celebrate your wins with you, however small.

Just think about all you could accomplish in your business with me at your side, keeping you on track and cheering you on.

Feels good, doesn’t it?

But there’s no need to take my word for it!

Take a look at the videos below to hear what Janine Coombes, Sarah Clay and Katie Duckworth had to say about their experience working with me…

The investment for In It Together support starts at £3,000. 

If you’re curious to know more about what it would be like to work with me, click here to book a no-obligation cuppa and let’s talk!

What people say

“I can’t recommend Louise highly enough... working with her exceeded all of my expectations.

I hired Louise to help me increase my focus and help with some decision making in the face of lots of opportunities and ideas, accompanied by an ever-growing to-do list.

Louise was a beacon of calm and lightness at all times. Even though I consider myself a keen planner, it can be so much harder to see the wood for the trees when you’re working alone in your own business.

I had some powerful realisations through working with Louise, largely thanks to the powerful questions she asks and the self-reflection those questions inspire. I realised I was taking on too much and in doing so, struggling to focus-in on what was most important to me in my work.

With Louise’s monthly calls and supported planning, I got really focussed on my key priorities, made double the progress and gained an increasing sense of lightness and ‘can-do’”

Claire Habel, Positive Psychology Consultant and Coach

“What Louise does really is nothing short of miraculous. I went into it feeling like I’d get help with productivity and getting organized. What she actually does is help you make space for your life.

In addition to getting stuff done I’d been in deep procrastination or paralysis patterns about, Louise was able to help me see what was actually profitable, what I enjoyed and what was just extra stuff that was burdening and not helping me.

In It together is the perfect marriage of organization and productivity with heart and soul. This is definitely something I’ll do periodically for my business in the future.”

Eden Fadzo Croft, Artisinal and Branding Beauty Consultant, Arizona, USA

“I am so happy to have worked with Louise in her “In It Together” program.

She had an incredible way of hearing all the things that were important to me, and then crafting that into a plan of action that I could then use to guide my decisions and actions.

In pointing me to doing the things that would yield the results I really wanted (as opposed to all the ideas I have which might not get me closer to my vision), Louise saved me so much time and energy.

Instead of floundering and falling into the same patterns, with her help, I established a regular routine on a part of my work that I’d been putting off. If you are looking for support and encouragement, accountability, and a plan to do some of the things you have wanted to do for a while in your business but keep putting off, Louise will be that for you!

She is also incredibly thoughtful, insightful, and good fun – so I can wholeheartedly recommend her program if you want support in running your business with more ease and clarity.”

Meg Lyons, Work-Life Balance Coach

“I’ve been working with Louise for a few months now and she has helped me totally transform my business!

Louise’s mentorship and practical advice and support have really helped me focus on what is important and enabled me to stop faffing around with projects which simply do not help me!

The long calls are brilliant for proper focus and clarity and the 15 minute ‘catch up’ calls ensure I remain accountable to myself. Being able to contact Louise between meetings too has been a game changer.

Louise is so invested in my business and such a huge support, it’s like having the ideal business partner and my favourite security blanket all wrapped into one! Always upbeat and positive, Louise picks me up when I’m down and encourages me when I’m ‘up’.

If you’re feeling a bit ‘lost’ in your business, find your way with Louise Miller, you will NOT regret it.”

Sarah Clay, LinkedIn Trainer

“Louise looked at my thousand ideas, my list(s) of things to do, my overflowing calendar, my scribbles and post-its and asked me different questions to what I would normally ask myself.

She somehow absorbed my stream of consciousness, cleaned it up and turned it around into a super practical, segmented list of actions. She asked me big questions and she asked me granular questions, you know, the type of questions that normally make you feel like a bit of a dummy, except that in her voice they sounded relevant and super clarifying. She would put a spin on things that turned drudgery into progress. What a relief! What a joy!

If you love your business enough to give it your best and kindest support and attention, you should consider speaking to Louise. You won’t regret it. Ever.”

Agnieszka Walczuk, Executive Coach and Facilitator

Sound good?

Click here to book a no-obligation chat and let’s see if we’re a good fit.

I can’t wait to speak to you soon!